The fall 2007 Semester at Sea Voyage has finally ended. It has been almost two months since we disembarked as a community on December 7th (yet another reason for me to not like that day I suppose) in Miami. Some of us (admin team, other volunteer staff) ended up staying on the MV Explorer for final work meetings and projects. It was sad and eerie to have the ship to ourselves. In a way, it was good to have the quiet time to think of the voyage, to wander around uninterrupted and remember all the wonderful times we shared throughout the voyage. However, it also made the separation harder because in looking at the places and spaces once filled with students, colleagues, friends now empty, I ended up missing them terribly.
Rebounding from this voyage was harder than my previous one...I don't really know why that is....Perhaps because the extra month we had on this voyage vs. the shorter summer months made us bond even more. In any case, I grew a lot from the voyage and despite our few bumps on the road, I am a much better person because of the things I learned from everyone I met on the voyage. Thank you semester at sea fall 2007 voyage - I truly will cherish the wonderful memories we created together...
And now I move forward to another adventure!