Tuesday, May 22, 2012

C1/Sea1/First day of Classes

So Semester at Sea Lingo: C1 means class day 1 which is what we have. Last night was a great student orientation followed by the SEA (this means residence hall floor) meetings by the RDs. it was great and the students were engaged. Half of the student life team looked a bit queasy by the time we got done and it was an early night for most of us. Despite my experience sailing the ocean blue, I too was really queasy and actually had to take seasick pills to make sure I was ok.
In any case. today was an extra busy day that started with working out in the AM (beautiful day outside) followed by numerous meetings (just like land!) and off to dinner and then our shipboard activity which will be exciting. Happy C1 everyone  - 2 more days and we'll be in Peru!

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