Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 1 of the Voyage!

Hello from the Caribbean! We left the Bahamas on May 20th and are now on our way to Trinidad (By the way did you all know that Trinidad and Tobago is one country?). It’s the first sea day for all of us as a community of learners and despite the relatively calm seas, we are experiencing some sea sickness that has resulted in some missed classes. Yesterday’s orientation went well – imagine doing student orientation in 7 hours and getting students to learn everything they need to know about their living learning environment in that time.
I gave my first speech to the community during the orientation and started off with quotes from “Oh the Places you will go” by Dr. Seuss.

Some of you have asked for my daily schedule at sea (in port / land, it changes since I take various trips/independent travel).

Here it is:

0530 – wake up

0545 – work out

0645 – cabin, prep for day

0800 – breakfast and get to know students, faculty, staff, lifelong learners

0900 – meeting with the administrative dean (that is the 4 deans)

1000 – meeting with the Staff Captain (2nd in command of the entire ship)

1100 – phone meeting with ISE

1200 – meeting and lunch with Living Learning Team (aka student affairs division)

1330 – break unless there is another meeting with students, etc.

1500 – office hours/desk time

1730 – dinner

1900 – Events (student life, explore seminars, film series)

2100 – Events (student life, faculty / staff gatherings)

2400 – downtime / sleep


housesaremybiz said...

Whew, what a schedule! I'm exhausted just reading it. I hope you are taking vitamins. Hey, do you have time to get a tan?

anna gonzalez said...

lol - i get tan at 6 am when i'm working out cuz the sun rises so early!